Through reliable & confirmed sources, major decisive development and process for developing Varanasi as Mobile Manufacturing Plant has been started. It is being promoted in China and very soon the Top 7-manufacturers in China are expected to sign MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) for establishing a complete project eco-system for “desi” smartphones in India. Leading the initial bandwagon for local manufacturing, China based OEM/ODM brands under an working alliance with Smart Namo, will first serve a market entry solution provider and facilitator for mobile phone eco-system. Selecting Varanasi , as the hubspot for manufacturing smartphones/feature phones….in heart of Uttar Pradesh..will target the 10 Billion USD smartphone consumption in India and also provide an opportunity for workforce talent grooving & economic self reliance as per the Narendra Modi vison or master plan for India. Under anonymity, one senior official has quoted ” We want an Apple or Xiaomi from India, by maintaining the highest QC parameters in India like China. This initiative will itself will fuel its own demand for devices”. We have unconfirmed reports of Singapore based Venture Capital firm, which will be also participating in the cluster……more of this developing story coming soon on this page as we get more info.